AIPT says 'Cocoa Fondue' is "pure fun and glamour!"

‘The Cocoa Fondue Show’ Review: Colorful and fantastic magic on the stage

Filled with clever one-liners. wig -pulling, and karate chops, “The Cocoa Fondue Show” is a short film that is pure fun and glamour. 

By Regina Chavez Muir on May 14, 2020

Cocoa Fondue is just a young a star trying to make her way in the this crazy world. Her variety show has the music, the glitz, and the all-male dancers. All it is missing are its executive backing. Everything seems to be falling into place. But will one Catastrawberry ruin it all?

The Cocoa Fondue Show is a short comedy-musical currently available on Amazon Prime.  The short is a  part of Amazon Studio’s All Voices Film Festival. Filled with clever one-liners. wig-pulling, and karate chops, The Cocoa Fondue Show is a short film that is pure fun and glamour.

Cocoa Fondue is a drag queen who was once described as the lead ingenue at the S.A.S.S. academy. But every queen bee has an enemy. For Cocoa it is Catastrawberry, a flame-haired glittery villain who is intent on ruining Cocoa’s shot at stardom.

Directed by Andrew Arnold and co-written by Will Robelo, the script is witty and fast-paced and hilarious. The characters are wonderful down to the supporting roles. One of the best lines has Mulan Rouge in a state of panic stating, “I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at the nail polish.”

Caldwell Tidicue plays Cocoa Fondue and gives a strong and entertaining performance. Joshua Allen Eads plays Catastrawberry. Eads and Tidicue share a strong chemistry that puts their performances over the top. This also adds to the entertainment value of The Cocoa Fondue Show. The big musical act is fun and action packed as the two rivals come together.

The Cocoa Fondue Show is extremely entertaining and hilarious. There is too much going on today’s hectic world. Forget about life for a minute and enjoy the vibrant characters and slapstick comedy of  The Cocoa Fondue Show.

Andrew Arnold